Results for 'Marisete Teresinha Hoffmann-Horochovski'

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  1.  27
    Rituais Fúnebres em memórias de velhos.Marisete Teresinha Hoffmann-Horochovski & José Miguel Rasia - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):1113-1130.
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  2. Thomas Sören Hoffmann, "«La filosofía es, como el universo, circular en sí». Saber enciclopédico y autofundamentación de la filosofía en Hegel".Thomas Sören Hoffmann & Pedro Sepúlveda Zambrano - 2017 - In Hardy Neumann, Óscar Cubo & Agemir Bavaresco (eds.), Hegel y El Proyecto de Una Enciclopedia Filosófica: Comunicaciones Del II Congreso Germano-Latinoamericano Sobre la Filosofía de Hegel. Editora Fi. pp. 827-848.
  3.  23
    Roald Hoffmann on the philosophy, art, and science of chemistry.Roald Hoffmann - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Kovac & Michael Weisberg.
    Roald Hoffmann's contributions to chemistry are well known; this Nobel laureate has published more than 500 articles and two books. As an "applied theoretical chemist," he has made significant contributions to our understanding of chemical bonding and reactivity, and taught two generations of chemists how to use molecular orbitals for real chemistry. Less well known, however, are Hoffmann's important and insightful contributions to the areas of scholarship surrounding chemistry. Over a career that spans nearly fifty years, Roald (...) has thought and written copiously about the broader context of chemistry and its relationship to the arts and poetry. This book contains Hoffmann's essays and is organized around several major themes: chemical reasoning and explanation, writing and communicating in science, ethics, art and science, and chemical education. A few are unpublished lectures that are valuable additions to the volume. The editors have the full cooperation of Roald Hoffmann in this project. Most of the published work will be reprinted verbatim, but a few of the essays will be revised to eliminate redundancy. The unpublished lectures will also be edited since they were originally intended to be delivered orally at specific occasions. The editors will provide an introduction to the book, and some introductory material for each section. In introducing the material, they will highlight the intrinsic importance and interest of the ideas, as well as the places where Hoffmann's thought makes novel contributions to cognate areas. (shrink)
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    Grenzen überschreitende Ethik: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Johannes Hoffmann anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstags.Johannes Hoffmann, Maria Hungerkamp, Matthias Lutz & Enrique D. Dussel (eds.) - 1997 - Frankfurt: IKO-Verlag für Interkulturelle Kommunikation.
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    Hoffmann, Karl. Zur Literatur und Ideengeschichte.Karl Hoffmann - 1908 - Kant Studien 13 (1-3).
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  6. Philosophy of and as interdisciplinarity.Michael Hg Hoffmann, Jan C. Schmidt & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2013 - Synthese 190 (11):1857-1864.
  7. Problems with Peirce's concept of abduction.Michael Hoffmann - 1999 - Foundations of Science 4 (3):271-305.
    Abductive reasoning takes place in forming``hypotheses'''' in order to explain ``facts.'''' Thus, theconcept of abduction promises an understanding ofcreativity in science and learning. It raises,however, also a lot of problems. Some of them will bediscussed in this paper. After analyzing thedifference between induction and abduction (1), Ishall discuss Peirce''s claim that there is a ``logic''''of abduction (2). The thesis is that this claim can beunderstood, if we make a clear distinction between inferential elements and perceptive elements of abductive reasoning. For (...)
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    Klaus Steigleder. Kants Moralphilosophie. Die Selbstbezüglichkeit reiner praktischer Vernunft..Thomas Sören Hoffmann - 2005 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 91 (2):294-298.
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    On the spherically symmetric field in relativity..Banesh Hoffmann - 1932 - [London,: Printed at the Oxford University Press by J. Johnson.
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    FREIRA, MULHER, CIDADÃ: uma articulação possível?Teresinha Venturin - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):71-76.
    No limiar do Terceiro Milênio do cristianismo, defrontamo-nos com novos paradigmas tanto na organização do mundo do trabalho, como nos demais espaços sociais, com repercussões bem acentuadas no campo religioso e que impõem novas demandas à formação da freira. Pretende-se, nesse estudo, fundamentar a necessidade e as possibilidades de articulação entre os elementos básicos que constituem a formação para a cidadania e competência da freira enquanto mulher e cidadã, através das ações desenvolvidas por congregações religiosas femininas.
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    Processo de institucionalização da formação da mulher no século XIX.Teresinha Venturin - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (2):217-222.
    O presente estudo faz uma análise da institucionalização da formação da mulher das camadas populares de Porto Alegre, no século XIX. Em decorrência da transformação social, econômica e política, tornou-se necessário um empenho sistematizado para inserir a menina órfã na sociedade, transformando a jovem na mãe e educadora por excelência.
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    Problem Space Matters: Evaluation of a German Enrichment Program for Gifted Children.Marisete M. Welter, Saskia Jaarsveld & Thomas Lachmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Perceived realism of dynamic facial expressions of emotion: Optimal durations for the presentation of emotional onsets and offsets.Holger Hoffmann, Harald C. Traue, Franziska Bachmayr & Henrik Kessler - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8):1369-1376.
  14. How to get it. diagrammatic reasoning as a tool of knowledge development and its pragmatic dimension.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 2004 - Foundations of Science 9 (3):285-305.
    Discussions concerning belief revision, theorydevelopment, and ``creativity'' in philosophy andAI, reveal a growing interest in Peirce'sconcept of abduction. Peirce introducedabduction in an attempt to providetheoretical dignity and clarification to thedifficult problem of knowledge generation. Hewrote that ``An Abduction is Originary inrespect to being the only kind of argumentwhich starts a new idea'' (Peirce, CP 2.26).These discussions, however, led to considerabledebates about the precise way in which Peirce'sabduction can be used to explain knowledgegeneration (cf. Magnani, 1999; Hoffmann, 1999).The crucial question (...)
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  15.  51
    Free Will and the Rebel Angels in Medieval Philosophy.Tobias Hoffmann - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book Tobias Hoffmann studies the medieval free will debate during its liveliest period, from the 1220s to the 1320s, and clarifies its background in Aristotle, Augustine, and earlier medieval thinkers. Among the wide range of authors he examines are not only well-known thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham, but also a number of authors who were just as important in their time and deserve to be rediscovered today. To shed further light on (...)
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  16.  13
    The Arcades: Contemporary Art and Walter Benjamin.Jens Hoffmann (ed.) - 2017 - Jewish Museum.
    _The Arcades Project_, the monumental unfinished work of cultural criticism by Walter Benjamin, is the German philosopher’s effort to comprehend urban modernity through the 19th-century Parisian shopping arcade. _The Arcades: Contemporary Art and Walter Benjamin_ combines artworks with archival materials and poetic interventions to form an original, multifaceted response to this collagelike cultural text. Jens Hoffmann astutely pairs works by thirty-six well-known and emerging artists, including Lee Friedlander, Andreas Gursky, Pierre Huyghe, and Cindy Sherman, with the thirty-six “Convolutes,” or (...)
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    Model Theory of Fields with Finite Group Scheme Actions.Daniel Max Hoffmann & Piotr Kowalski - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (4):1443-1468.
    We study model theory of fields with actions of a fixed finite group scheme. We prove the existence and simplicity of a model companion of the theory of such actions, which generalizes our previous results about truncated iterative Hasse–Schmidt derivations [13] and about Galois actions [14]. As an application of our methods, we obtain a new model complete theory of actions of a finite group on fields of finite imperfection degree.
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  18. It's not the end of the world: when a subtraction argument for metaphysical nihilism fails.A. Hoffmann - 2011 - Analysis 71 (1):44-53.
    Metaphysical nihilism is the thesis that there could have been no concrete objects. Thomas Baldwin (1996) offers an argument for metaphysical nihilism. The premisses of the argument purport to provide a procedure of subtraction that can be iterated until we reach a world where no concrete objects exist. Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (1997) finds fault with Baldwin’s argument, modifies it, and claims to have proved metaphysical nihilism. My primary aim is to show that Rodriguez-Pereyra’s alleged proof rests on a false assumption. The (...)
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  19. The Girl Who Cried Pain: A Bias against Women in the Treatment of Pain.Diane E. Hoffmann & Anita J. Tarzian - 2001 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (4_suppl):13-27.
    To the woman, God said, “I will greatly multiply your pain in child bearing; in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”Genesis 3:16There is now a well-established body of literature documenting the pervasive inadequate treatment of pain in this country. There have also been allegations, and some data, supporting the notion that women are more likely than men to be undertreated or inappropriately diagnosed and treated for their (...)
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    Reflective Consensus Building on Wicked Problems with the Reflect! Platform.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):793-819.
    Wicked problems—that is, problems that can be framed in a number of different ways, depending on who is looking at them—pose ethical challenges for professionals that have scarcely been recognized as such. Even though wicked problems are all around us, they are rarely addressed in education. A reason for this failure might be that wicked problems pose almost insurmountable challenges in educational settings. This contribution shows how students can learn to cope with wicked problems in problem-based learning projects that are (...)
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  21.  41
    The Design of Disturbance: Physics Institutes and Physics Research in Germany, 1870–1910.Christoph Hoffmann - 2001 - Perspectives on Science 9 (2):173-195.
    : During the "institutional revolution" between 1870 and 1910 almost two dozen physics institutes were newly erected in Germany. The design of these buildings was largely determined by sets of precautions against various sorts of disturbances. These undertakings were by no means unique. Recent historical studies have identified similar attempts in physics institutes outside Germany. But as yet, hardly a word has been wasted on the necessity of these precautionary measures. It seems to be self-explanatory that disturbances should be precluded (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Representation in Chemistry.R. Hoffmann & P. Laszlo - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (147):23-51.
    Chemical structures are among the trademarks of our profession, as surely chemical as flasks, beakers and distillation columns. When someone sees one of us busily scribbling formulas or structures, he or she has no trouble identifying a chemist. Yet these familiar objects, which accompany our work from start to end, from the initial doodlings (Fig. I) to the final polished artwork in a publication (Fig. II), are deceptively simple. They raise interesting and difficult questions about representation. It is the intent (...)
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  23. Are propositions sets of possible worlds?A. Hoffmann - 2012 - Analysis 72 (3):449-455.
    The possible-worlds analysis of propositions identifies a proposition with the set of possible worlds where it is true. This analysis has the hitherto unnoticed consequence that a proposition depends for its existence on the existence of every proposition that entails it. This peculiar consequence places the possible-worlds analysis in conflict with the conjunction of two compelling theses. One thesis is that a phrase of the form ‘the proposition that S’ is a rigid designator. The other thesis is that a proposition (...)
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    An evaluation of the autopoietic account of interests.Stephanie Hoffmann - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-18.
    Historically, biocentrists have ascribed interests to organisms via an account of function. One promising account of function for this purpose is the organizational or autopoietic account of function, according to which some entity x has a function of self-maintenance when the parts of x contribute to the goal of self-maintenance. In this paper, I will present the autopoietic account of interests and provide some reasons for thinking that this account is promising. I will also present a possible issue for the (...)
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  25.  56
    (1 other version)Ockham's Razor and Chemistry.Roald Hoffmann, Vladimir I. Minkin & Barry K. Carpenter - 1997 - Hyle 3 (1):3 - 28.
    We begin by presenting William of Ockham's various formulations of his principle of parsimony, Ockham's Razor. We then define a reaction mechanism and tell a personal story of how Ockham's Razor entered the study of one such mechanism. A small history of methodologies related to Ockham's Razor, least action and least motion, follows. This is all done in the context of the chemical (and scientific) community's almost unthinking acceptance of the principle as heuristically valuable. Which is not matched, to put (...)
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    The biopolitics of feeling: race, sex, and science in the nineteenth century by Kyla Schuller. [REVIEW]Eva Hoffmann - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (4):522-524.
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    La théorie de l''me dans la medicina rationalis systematica de Friedrich Hoffmann.Paul Hoffmann - 1984 - Revue de Synthèse 105 (113-114):55-82.
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    On the Experimental Context of Planck's Foundation of Quantum Theory1.Dieter Hoffmann - 2001 - Centaurus 43 (3-4):240-259.
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    Does Legislating Hospital Ethics Committees Make a Difference?. A Study of Hospital Ethics Committees in Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Virginia.Diane E. Hoffmann - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (1-2):105-119.
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  30. Aquinas and intellectual determinism: The test case of angelic sin.Tobias Hoffmann - 2007 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 89 (2):122-156.
    This paper intends to show that Aquinas gives a non-deterministic account of free decision. Angelic sin is the eminent test case: ex hypothesi, angels are supremely intelligent and not subject to ignorance, passions, or negatively disposing habits. Nothing predetermines their choice; rather it ultimately depends on their freedom alone. All angels acted based upon reasons, but why certain angels acted for an inadequate reason whereas others for an adequate reason cannot be fully explained. Thomas's action theory allows him to explain (...)
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    Hervé de Nédellec sur la formation d'un verbe intérieur dans la vision béatifique.Tobias Hoffmann - 2024 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 91 (1):113-137.
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    Bilanz der Paradigmendiskussion in der Erziehungswissenschaft: Leistungen, Defizite, Grenzen.Dietrich Hoffmann & Martin Fromm (eds.) - 1991 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
  33.  48
    Der pädagogische Gedanke in Platons Höhlengleichnis.Ernst Hoffmann - 1931 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 40 (1):47-57.
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    Effects of amount of evidence and range of rule on the use of hypothesis and target tests by groups in rule-discovery tasks.Christine Hoffmann & Helmut Crott - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (4):321 – 354.
    This experiment investigated the use of positive and negative hypothesis and target tests by groups in an adaptation of the 2-4-6 Wason task. The experimental variables were range of rule (small vs large), amount of evidence (low vs high), and trial block (1 vs 2). The results were in accordance with Klayman and Ha's (1987) analysis of base rate probabilities of falsification and with additional theoretical considerations. Base rate probabilities were more descriptive of participants' behaviour in target than in hypothesis (...)
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    Editorial: The Psychophysiology of Action.Sven Hoffmann, Christian Beste & Markus Raab - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Grundbegriffe des Praktischen.Thomas Sören Hoffmann (ed.) - 2014 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  37. Intrinsic/Extrinsic.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2023 - In A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Properties. London: Routledge.
    A property is intrinsic iff individuals have it in virtue of how they themselves are, not in virtue of their relations to other individuals; a property is extrinsic iff it is not intrinsic. Being a cube and being an electron are intrinsic properties; being next to a cube, and being repelled by an electron are extrinsic properties. The debate about the distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic properties revolves around the following two questions: (1) Can the distinction be analysed in terms (...)
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  38. Primordial ownership versus dispossession of the body : a contribution to the problem of cloning from the perspective of classical European philosophy of law.Thomas Sören Hoffmann - 2006 - In Heiner Roetz (ed.), Cross-cultural Issues in Bioethics: The Example of Human Cloning. New York, NY: Rodopi.
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  39. Qualitative thinking in the age of modern computational chemistry, or What Lionel Salem knows.Roald Hoffmann - 2012 - In Roald Hoffmann on the philosophy, art, and science of chemistry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  40. Rudolf Steiner als Lehrere der immanenten Transzendenz.David Marc Hoffmann - 2018 - In Heiner Schwenke (ed.), Jenseits des Vertrauten: Facetten transzendenter Erfahrungen. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Ästhetischer DüngerAesthetic manure.Torsten Hoffmann - forthcoming - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte.
    ZusammenfassungDie Neue Rechte betreibt seit 2000 eine umfangreiche Literaturpolitik. Aktionen im Literaturbetrieb, eigene Publikationen sowie ein expandierender Literaturjournalismus werden mit zunehmendem Geschick und Erfolg dazu genutzt, neurechte Ideologien im Kulturbetrieb zu verankern. Dies zeigte sich u.a. in der 2020 um die Schriftstellerin Monika Maron geführten Debatte, die der Aufsatz zum Ausgangspunkt nimmt, um die wichtigsten metapolitischen Strategien neurechter Literaturpolitik vorzustellen: eine Veränderung des Lektürekanons, eine politische Funktionalisierung von Ästhetik und ästhetischer Erziehung sowie literaturbetriebliche Aktionen. Abschließend wird am Streit um den (...)
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    Tocquevilles „Demokratie in Amerika" und die gesellige Gesellschaft seiner Zeit.Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann - 2001 - In Harald Bluhm & Herfried Münkler (eds.), Gemeinwohl Und Gemeinsinn: Historische Semantiken Politischer Leitbegriffe. De Gruyter. pp. 303-326.
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  43. Theorie der künstlerischen.Dieter Hoffmann-Axthelm - 1974 - Frankfurt (am Main): Suhrkamp.
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    The Median Mode of Being.Gisbert Hoffmann - 2014 - Dialogue and Universalism 24 (4):77-89.
    The author presents Gernot Böhme’s median mode of being theory, which attempts to find an anthropological middle ground between the rational and the irrational, the spiritual and the corporeal and the active and passive in human experience. Böhme’s reflections on the median mode of being are normative in character and linked to the concept of “sovereign man,” which he strongly defends and whose main characteristics Hoffmann outlines in the first part of the essay. Among others, Hoffmann argues against (...)
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    Wirklich?: Konzeptionen der Wirklichkeit und der Wirklichkeit Gottes.Veronika Hoffmann (ed.) - 2022 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Was meinen wir, wenn wir sagen, dass etwas ist oder existiert? Und in welchem Sinn lässt sich von Gott sagen, dass er sei, existiere oder wirklich sei? Die Frage nach der Wirklichkeit Gottes wird in der aktuellen Debatte tendenziell verdeckt durch die in der Nähe liegende, aber doch auch mit ihr nicht identische Frage nach der erkenntnistheoretischen Zugänglichkeit der Wirklichkeit Gottes. Beiträge aus verschiedenen Fächern und theoretischen Zugängen innerhalb der Theologie und der Philosophie leuchten dieses Forschungsfeld aus und machen es (...)
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  46. Conscience and synderesis.Tobias Hoffmann - 2011 - In Brian Davies & Eleonore Stump (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Aquinas. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This article gives a basic account of Aquinas’s theory of “synderesis” and conscience. Aquinas understands synderesis as an infallible moral awareness and conscience as the fallible judgment that applies a general moral conviction to a concrete case. The article also compares Aquinas’s and his contemporaries’ theories of whether erring conscience is morally binding, that is, whether to act in accord with erring conscience or against erring conscience is sinful.
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  47. Thoughts on fear in global society.Stanley Hoffmann - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (4):1023-1036.
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  48. (1 other version)What might philosophy of science look like if chemists built it?Roald Hoffmann - 2007 - Synthese 155 (3):321 - 336.
    Had more philosophers of science come from chemistry, their thinking would have been different. I begin by looking at a typical chemical paper, in which making something is the leitmotif, and conjecture/refutation is pretty much irrelevant. What in fact might have been, might be, different? The realism of chemists is reinforced by their remarkable ability to transform matter; they buy into reductionism where it serves them, but make no real use of it. Incommensurability is taken without a blink, and actually (...)
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  49. Bread prices and sea levels: why probabilistic causal models need to be monotonic.Vera Hoffmann-Kolss - 2024 - Philosophical Studies (9):1-16.
    A key challenge for probabilistic causal models is to distinguish non-causal probabilistic dependencies from true causal relations. To accomplish this task, causal models are usually required to satisfy several constraints. Two prominent constraints are the causal Markov condition and the faithfulness condition. However, other constraints are also needed. One of these additional constraints is the causal sufficiency condition, which states that models must not omit any direct common causes of the variables they contain. In this paper, I argue that the (...)
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    Consensus Building and Its Epistemic Conditions.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 2019 - Topoi 40 (5):1173-1186.
    Most of the epistemological debate on disagreement tries to develop standards that describe which actions or beliefs would be rational under specific circumstances in a controversy. To build things on a firm foundation, much work starts from certain idealizations—for example the assumption that parties in a disagreement share all the evidence that is relevant and are equal with regard to their abilities and dispositions. This contribution, by contrast, focuses on a different question and takes a different route. The question is: (...)
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